Amber Leraas
I am an author, speaker, and inner healing coach who helps my sisters and brothers stuck in shame, insecurity, and destructive thought patterns to acknowledge strongholds, break the shackles of shame, and transform through Christ.
Here's some stuff
Here's some stuff
Here's some stuff
Carolyn is a passionate, energetic, inspiring, and knowledgeable speaker. She connects with her audiences, uplifts them and is helping them break the chains of their pain and live life excited and free.
Instructor for the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. since 2010
Certified Instructor under the Sunday School Publishing Board of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. since 2011
On Faculty for the Chicago Baptist Institute International in Chicago, Illinois since 2013
Sunday School teacher since 1998
Counseling since 2003
Certified Biblical Counselor since 2004